Investigatory project on common viral diseases in human class 12

click hereMeasles viruses. 3D illustration showing structure of measles virus with surface glycoprotein spikes heamagglutinin-neuraminidase and fusion protein

Today we will see how to make project on 'Investigatory project on common viral diseases in human class 12' this project is only for class 12th student and this project is belongs to 'BIOLOGY' in this project we will cover following steps

1 Introduction

2 Types of diseases

3 Mode of transmission

4 Viral diseases

5 Bacterial diseases

6 Protozoon diseases

7 Some important diseases & dates

8 Bibliography



A disease is a condition of the body or a part of it in which functions are disturbed or arranged. Diseases may also be defined as morphological , physiological , psychological disturbance in the body or body parts caused by some external agencies which may be non-parasitic e.g. deficiency of nutrients or may be parasitic caused by causes, bacteria , fungi etc. The term disease means DISEASE or discomfort. In short it can be defined as ‘disease is disorder of body’.


The reservoirs of human diseases are:

a) Air: It is reservoir of pathogens of many diseases like, measles, mumps,tuberculosis, diphtheria etc.

b) Food and Water: These are reservoir of pathogens of many diseases like, cholera, polio, typhoid, roundworm, tapeworm etc.

c) Soil: It is a reservoir of pathogen of tetanus diseases.

d) Animals: These are those living organisms which spread the pathogens from an infected person of healthy person. These do not suffer from the diseases so are also called reservoir host.


Diseases are broadly classified into two categories:


Diseases present since birth and are caused due to defective development of inheritance e.g. congenital heart diseases, hemophilia, colour blindness etc.

B. Acquired diseases

Diseases developed after birth. They are further classified 

a) Communicable diseases

b) Non-Communicable diseases

Differences between Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases


The diseases are transmitted from the reservoirs of infection to the healthy persons the following ways:

1) Direct transmission: The pathogens are transmitted from an infected person or healthy person directly without an intermediate agent. It occurs in following ways-

A)Contact with infected person e.g., small pox and chicken pox.

b) Contact with soil e.g., tetanus.

2. Indirect transmission: The pathogens of some diseases are carried through some intermediate agents. It occurs in following ways:

a) Air borne diseases.
b) By unclean hands and fingers.

              VIRAL DISEASES


Rabies a fatal viral disease that is transmitted to human beings by bite of rabid dog or cat

A number of wild animals also carry the virus, e.g. Jaundice wolves, foxes, bat, monkeys, rabbit etc. Disease is not expressed after infection up to 1-3 months.

Symptoms: Rabies is 100% fatal disease. It is characterized by high fever and pain contraction of muscles of throat and chest. The patient feels restless, has choking feet and finds difficulty in taking even liquid food. He is afraid of water,
so called hydrophobia. The virus destroys the brain and spinal cord. So, it causes paralysis and painful death.

1 Compulsory immunization of dogs and cats should be done. Pet dogs should be vaccinated with anti-rabies vaccine.
2 Rabid animal should be killed, if it shows excessive salivation and tries seeking isolation.

Control: There is no treatment until now


Aids stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is caused by HIV (Human immune-deficiency virus). It was firstly detected in June 1981 in USA. This virus weakness the human body’s immunity or self defense mechanism.
Hence the aids virus reduces the natural immunity of the human body; therefore, the body saving AIDS becomes prone to many other infections.

Modes of transmission:
1 It spreads through sexual contact with an infected person carrying AIDS virus.

2 It spread though the transfusion of blood infected with AIDS virus.

3 It spread though the use of infected needles for injections, blade or razors and other equipment of barbers.

4 The children of AIDS infected mother get this disease from mother’s blood.

Symptoms: The important symptoms are

1 Severe brain damage which may lead to loss of memory, ability to speak and think.
2 Swollen lymph nodes.
3 Decreased count of blood platelets causing hemorrhage.
4 Sweating at night and weight loss.
5 AIDS patient also become more susceptible to infections of any body.

A full blown AIDS patient dies within three years and mortality is 100%.

Prevention: No absolutely satisfactory vaccine is yet available. So, we can prevent AIDS only preventive measures like

1 Use of disposable syringes.
2 Using condoms and adopt clean sex habits.
3 People should be educated about AIDS.
4 Blood test must be done in pregnant woman, blood donor’s organ donors.
5 Dentists should use sterilized instrument.
6 The common razor at the barber shop should be used.

Control: Till today there is no specific therapy against HIV infection. Some medical have been discovered which can suppress AIDS virus.

National AIDS control program was started in 1987.
World AIDS day: December 1.



TYPHOID: Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhoid bacteria, commonly found in interterm of man. It is most common communicable diseases. This is common is
age group of 1-15 years. Every year about 2.5 million people suffer from typhoid. Modes of transmission: Contaminated food and water and house flies.

Symptoms: It is characterized by

1 Headache and rise in body temperature.
2 Lesions of intestinal mucosa.
3 Diarrhea which becomes hemorrhagic.
4 Rose coloured rash on the upper abdomen.

Control: Antibiotics can treat the diseases.

1 Underground disposal of human faces.
2 Disinfection of water and proper cooking of food.
3 Typhoral oral vaccines also prevent typhoid.
4 TAB- Vaccine provides immunity for 3 years.
5 Typhoid is diagnosed by widal test.



MALARIA: Malaria is more common in tropical and subtropical countries, especially in Africa and Asia. It is estimated that about 300 million people are infected with malaria every year and more than 2 million people die annually due to this diseases.

Causes: Malaria is caused by the toxins produced in the human body by the malaria parasite Plasmodium. Presence of malarial parasite can be checked by blood test.

Modes of transmission: Plasmodium of transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito. When this mosquito bites man to suck blood, it introduces its saliva containing the malarial parasite into the blood stream of the man.

Symptoms: Malaria attack is preceded by headache, nausea and muscular pain. Total period of malarial attack is of 6-10 hour and can be divided into 3 stages:

1 Cold stage- Characterized by chilling and shivering.

2 Hot stage- Characterized by high fever, faster rate of breathing and heart beat,etc.

v Sweating stage- It is characterized by lowering down of temperature to normal.

After the malaria attack, the patient feels weak, exhausted and anemic. The malaria may secondarily cause engagement of lever and spleen.

v Use of insect repellants to prevent mosquito bite.

v Wire- gauzing of doors, windows, etc. to check the entry of mosquitoes.

v Killing of adult mosquitoes by spraying insecticides likes D.D.T and B.H.C. JNV/CWA/PCB/BIOLOGY/2017

v All the mosquito breeding places should be destroyed or covered. Kerosene oil should be sprayed on ponds and ditches to kill the larva.

v Sleeping under mosquito nets.

v Destroying breeding places of mosquitoes.

Control: A number of anti-malarial drugs are available. The commonest antimalarial drug is quinine. Efforts are being medicine for the development of an anti-malarial vaccine


It is the uncontrolled and unwanted growth of cells.


1. No definite cause has been arrived at so far. However, it is found that body has proto-oncogenes. These are activated by some substances or stimulus, which convert these into active cancer-causing oncogenes.

2. Heavy smoking and alcoholism.

3. Chewing of tobacco.

4. Consistent irritation of skin or repeated injury at the same point. Cancer is a kind of tumorous growth. Tumours can be classified into two categories:

a) Benign tumour: It remains confined to the place of origin and does not spread to other body parts. It is relatively harmless.
b) Malignant tumour: It spreads to other parts of the body and growth is rapid. This is serious and may cause death of the patient.


1. Persistent lump or thickening in tissues, especially in tongue, breast and uterus.

2. Any irregular bleeding or blood-tinged discharge from anybody opening.

3. Any sore that does not heal quickly.

4. Change in the form of mole or wart.

5. Persistent hoarseness in voice, cough or difficulty in swallowing.

Prevention and cure:

1. Cancer check up should be done once a year.

2. Treatment should be taken under medical advice.

3. Avoid smoking, taking alcohol and chewing of tobacco.

4. Observe regularity in life style to keep body healthy.


Pathogen: Filarial worm (Wuchereria bancrofti)

Mode of transmission: Bites of mosquitoes - AedesA and Culex.


1. Fever

2. Collection of endothellial cells and metabolites in the wall of lymph vessels.

3. Swelling takes place in certain parts of the body like legs, breasts & scrotum.

4. Swelling of legs which appear as legs of elephant, so this disease is also called elephantiasis.

Prevention and cure

1. Mesh doors and windows in the house to check the entry of mosquitoes.

2. The water collected in tanks or other articles should be properly covered.

3. Sprinkling of kerosene in ditches, etc.

4. Drugs may be administered.


· World TB Day- 24 March.

· National TB control program was started in 1962.

· The incidence of tetanus in India is about 30-50 persons per one lack.

· Bubonic Plague is commonest type of plague.

· Incidence of Diarrhea diseases is highest in Andhra and Orissa states.

· Hepatitis is more dangerous than AIDS.

· Macculoch (1827) proposed the name malaria.

· Laveran (1880) discovered malarial parasites in the blood of a malarial patient.

· Ronald Ross (1897) proved that malarial parasite is spread by female Anopheles mosquito.

· August 20 is called Malaria Day.


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